Friday, September 30, 2005

life!!uh? i m so bad at givin titles!!

hey!!well ok i knoe i have already bugged u ppl bout my bday so i ll just write a para bout it!! dont skip it!!! dare u do that!! lol the entire evenin i ws online doin nth as i codnt go newhere n my friendz also didnt turn up...but at around 8 pm my entire family turned up i mean my relatives n cousins etc!!!! it ws so amazin!!!yum!dat still reminds bout da cake ... it ws 2 gud! then we went out 4 dinner!!hats off 2 my family 2 yaar!! it ws so so sweet of them 2 turn up!! even u need 2 agree!!
and dad n mom have returned n they got such awesome stuff that also includes da chocolates!!!its better that u ppl cum 2 my place as soon as u can otherwise i dont think even a single one wod b left!hey!!!!!!! even my brother is cumin 2morrow!! he is doin medical! i miss him like nethin . he is such a sweet brother!!! i can actually keep talkin about him oops typin! i knoe dat ws a pj! but still!!
oh!i m plannin 2 stop cumin online every day yaar!! i ll just cum on er... saturdays n on sum weekday. bcoz net is so vella wht do u do in it chat, check mails n blog ?? so i decided that i wont cum online 2 much noe!!one more thing i keep on makin decisions but i m hardly able 2 stick 2 it so i dont knoe whether i ll also follow this decision.... hmm lets c!!
gtg now as i wanna c sum movie!


Blogger Akanksha said...

Wat's ur msn id?

10:23 AM

Blogger kretika said...

hey!i added u rite now!

1:49 AM


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