Saturday, October 08, 2005

helloz ppl! i m not a poet or smt and this is really my first poem which makes a bit sense.ya!! i do live my life as there is no 2morrow n love life! i dunno y i wrote the poem but ya i can say that i meant every line of it when i wrote it n perhaps even perhaps i guess it does mean a lot.

the breeze flew
wanna say something
but just cant say anythin
i have no clue

want to say somethin
but noone is there
with whom i can share my feelings
open my heart n soul

my heart cries in tears endless
losing my optimism and happiness in life
everything in life seems so dull
everywhere there is a lull

wanna do something
great and wonderful
but just cant
as i cry endless

hope to meet someone
who will share
my feelings day and night
losin my optimism and happiness in life

will this hope come true?
can it?
will the things come right
as they used to be ages ago?

wanna live the life
each day as beautiful and wonderful
wanna gain back
my losin optimism
and i think i can!

hey! i still love each day!n i guess da purpose of my life is 2 make ppl happy! there are already so many probs in ones life n i wanna help if i can reduce sum of der probs.i knoe i m gettin philosphical but whteva.i used 2 bitch bout ppl till 8th n dat 2 ws like little but now i never bitch now

hey ther is an earthquake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

shit!!! it ws such a long one.hope nth happened 2 ne1.i still remeber the 26 jan ka earthquake many ppl died! it ws so so bad

gtg now!!! bye


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey!kretika since when have "u" becum so sad???i cant belive dat u r depressed.plz enjoy life as u alwayz do.u know the phrase " smile as ur smile is a reason 4 others to smile" it is really true!
by the way! cool poem!!that ws really an gud one!!! loved it
n i can say that u really dont bitch ...but y?? ever1 does???

11:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

kretika!ur poem rox!i mean it is just so moving &relevant 2 my life 2!!i read it b4 happens sumtimes.
i no da way v r chattin now is hella of confusion-but its fun!and bout dsa EARTHQUAKE-dam! i didn't even feel it. it was terrible though
i no ther's no point writing all this coz vr chattin.butb wateva!!
keep blogging

12:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

by da way, this comp. is mad!
i'm not anonymous
i'm ishani!

12:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i read it pehle ka matlab hai ki tune mujhe school mein hi padsa di thi!
its ur original work Sweety!

12:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

how much i hurt u kretika!
i'm sry-4 dat group chat thingy!
i didn't mean it!
i am a FOOL!

ok don't take this crap seriously

12:19 AM

Blogger nishika said...

awesome poem kretz ! didnt noe u cud rite so well . gr8 and keep it up

1:46 AM

Blogger Shubhi said...

nice poem woman... some1 is gettin inspired by my brilliant skills

1:52 AM

Blogger kretika said...

ishani!its ok!! actually ya it ws fun n u cant b mean! thanx 4 likin da poem!! hope u read it!!lol
thanxxxxx ppl!!!
n sakshi i m really loosin my optimism but ... i ll try 2 regain it n wid friends like u n ishani n ever1 i guess i ll regain it!

1:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ur poem's cool.keep blogging. i'll check ur blog wenever i hv time.
by da way,did u hv time 2 type, when da earthquake was cumin'????


10:51 PM

Blogger kretika said...

yup!ihad time as i ws alone when it came n it took me about 5sec 2 realize that "its actually an eathquake"lol.
though da sentence in da beginin ws is it an earthquake?? but then i change it 2 it ws an earth...!!
i know it is soundin so dumb but er..dunno

1:05 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey!!awesome poem!it ws a bit sad kinds...i never knew dat u were dis crious..
keep blogging

1:35 AM

Blogger kasturi said... poem yaar..its kinda sad but it's nice.since wen did u start riting poems!!but is nice..keep ritig..n pleez dont b sad.

6:14 AM


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