Friday, October 14, 2005

confused as usual!!!

Hi ppl
Thanx a ton 4 likin my poem!i ws not even postin it thinking it stinks!lol
hey I am not depressed at all now!!i m da usual idiotic kretika now..dont know wht happened when I wrote it n dat 2 in skool!!
Oh!!loadz of thingz happened durin these days
I guess I treated my prep leaves like proper holidays sleepin n stuff
On Wednesday it was dusshera so we have this big puja sorts every dusshera
Da entire family met at my uncle’s place n then we had puja n lunch
I mean we simply had a rockin time . we are gonna meet 2day also ….
As Its my momz bday!!!!i gave her this big bouquet of flowerz n an idiotic hand made card
Hehe …I kept on thinking wht 2 give but just codnt understand so as usual I landed up givin her my favourite flowerz !!lol
Oh on Wednesday we also had dinner in this airforce mess as one of my dad’s friend got promoted 2 er….i cant remember
I really love their life…. I know it has a lot of hard work n stuff but the respect they get is unbelievable. Their personality rox!!!!!
We are just talking 2 this air force ka banda bout their life n sorts when he suddenly puts it in pretty gud words ”if u want money then this(air force , army n navy) is not the place but if u want respect then this is right place”
It is so true!! I really don’t mind joinin air force but I m just afraid of trainin so hard tho i think I can go there as an engineer or scientist …hmm I guess dats wht I wanna do!!!!i m not sure tho … I m so confused!!!!
I don’t wanna becum an engineer as there life is soooo boring but I know I ll land up becumin one ..i dunt want 2 b a doc 4 sure as doctors life is so hectic i have 3 egs in my family itself dad,mom,n my bro!!
doctorz study for 9yrs or more after clearing 12th
I cant think that I want 2 waste my life becumin one tho I wont call it waste exactly but plz yaar who wants 2 study that much????
So I don’t know wht 2 becum as I wanna b smt different ! lol
I know everbody wants that (atleast some lol)
Hey!!mom is callin me n its her day so I better go
I ll just add that my comp paper ws awesome n boooooorin ….
I finished my paper in 1 hr n da rest time I ws starin out of da window lookin at the birds
They r so care free!!! Or I ws sleepin zzzz…(tryin 2 but it ws impossible 2 sleep)
Shit!!!!!!!!! Bye!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey kretz..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO UR MOM!!October iz a month of alota birthdayz(includin mine)..nice to hear abt ur comp paper...even mine ws awesome!!hope dat u do well in all xams..

8:45 AM

Blogger nishika said...

hey kretika
best of luk 4 xams yaar !
and iwsh ur mom from my side
and one thing do watever u like but put ur 100% in it.

2:01 AM


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