Sunday, October 16, 2005

i cant b more "vella"

i gt my maths paper 2morrow n i dont know wht i m doin ol????
i must b studyin...i need 2 da entire circle ... i ve done it once but that ws agessss bac....
oh!how can i 4get tangents???lol
i dont hate maths but i dont even love it!!!
hmm maths:mental affected teachers horrfyin students(one more pj from me!!)
oh!!! i ws just readin india 2day ...ya i read it!!! dont b suprized i agree that my gk is poor daam poor ...hmm even dats an understatement!!!
n i read da earthquakez article!!! it is sooooo bad just one min n 40000 ppl ve ....
so many ppl r homeless ... n we cant do anythin ...there is no use of sendin money n stuff as i hardly think that it reaches them bcoz how can we 4get our idiotic corrupt politicians ...hmm not all tho but whteva
i really cant think bout the sight out there
ya!! thanx nishika 4 seein da siver linin in it
acc 2 her whic is true perhaps it might b God sent or smt 2 let india n pak come closer!!! ya i hope they unite once agn!!!
shit!!! bye its high time that i go n study !!!!
i can never complete one blog entirely!!!!
besties 4 half yearlies
i dont know bout u ppl but i need a lot of luck!!!!


Blogger kretika said...

does any1 know how i can stop these weird advertis.... on my blog???

9:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ever1 is vella !!! dont fret
i m happy that u regained ur "losin optimism"lol!!!keep smiling as u do 24hrs!!bcoz if u r sad then who is gonna solve my probz???i keep wondering that u know everything bout ur friends but noone knows nethin bout u not even me....
n ya the earhtquake stuff was disappointin!!!

11:52 PM

Blogger kretika said...

hey buddy wht do u want 2 knoe???
nethin else?lol
crush:interestin question as i dont know myself: noone 2 b precise
friends:huge list!!
fav music : depends on my mood
n i cant think bout nethin else??
fav actor: depends agn keeps changin
fav movie:y dont u just check my profile lol!!!
so stop wonderin!!! neways it is dangerous if "u" r wonderin!lol just kiddin ...gtg now !!!

12:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

kretrika dear..just look at da fuul form of maths u'v written-mentally afected teachers horrifying students!lol!its not horrifying-its harrasing students...i mean horrifying students doesn't make any sense!lol!
neways' all this is way 2 dumb!!

4:31 AM


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