Thursday, October 20, 2005

i m a mess!!!

I m in a big time mess as usual
1)Well I got fever 102.smt n its sstz paper 2morrow
I therefore wasnt able 2 study yesterday so I don’t know whts gonna happen 2 my paper
Tho I did my course once agessssssss back n I remember how I did them …listenin 2 music n studying .so I don’t know whether I remember nethin
2)my head is still aching
3) I m on net when I must b studying or sleeping ie having rest
4) is pretty dumb so I wont tell that !lol
5) I m already in big mess what else do u want????

Eng paper went awesome tho my writtin skills didn’t go so gud this time compared 2 how they my head ws achin n I wasn’t in a mood 2 write so I wrote a lot of crap


Y do I need 2 fall sick durin exams???????????????????
n y m I online?????

n take care as viral is pretty much prevalent


Anonymous Anonymous said...

chill it!!!cm on it is just a half yearly!!!

10:33 PM

Blogger kretika said...

yeah rite!!! "just" a half yearly!!!!hmm no doubt it is not a board n i didnt take it seriously!! but still it is not "just a exam"lol!

10:36 PM


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