Friday, November 11, 2005

balancin b/w fun n studies!!

it has been a long time since i didnt blog which can b attributed 2 da pathetic results of half yearly as well as the fact that i have started findin net borin! (i guess it is !!!)

neways i wont talk bout my results as i dont wanna b depressed thinkin bout them ......
carnival is like on mon!!! it is gonna b fun but i dont know whether i ll cum or not as i think i gt eye infection n i have a sore throat .... hmm n my grandmom has her operation tho it is a minor one n in da afternoon sorts but dunno

but if my eye infection becums ok i guess i ll cum!!! so cross ur fingers!!!!

ntse is on da 26 or 27 (which ever is sunday) n i m gettin paranoid bout it as i dont know a 1single thing n it is soooooo difficult as we have 3 rounds in it ....1st is at da state level 2nd all over India n 3rd is an interview!!
i bet i ll not even complete da 1st round!!!! if i do then actually i no iwont b able 2 so i guess there is no if!!!! hmm but bein on the optimistic side luck has alwayz favoured me so i might b able 2 do it!!!!!cross ur fingers agn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!!!

oh!!! i gtg now!!!! i wsnt agn able to complete my post(as usual)!!! lol
so bye n take care!!!


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