Friday, November 18, 2005


i gt so much 2 blog about but smhow i dont feel like wht shod i say er... writtin it down
before this blog i kept this diary of mine whic i think many have read it the most prominent ones being ishani n sakshi who have read it a lot .i have this one more side 2 me which is like the daam opposite to wht u no me as!! hehe it is soundin so weird wht i m writtin but it is true!!!
i do like bein alone smt thinkin bout all the stuff in my life n stuff ....i m a philosophical person 2 or rather daam philosophical...God!!! know y da heck m i typin this??? dunno
but at this moment i m da philosophical person 4 u.....
i guess i must not bug u so much tellin bout me !! bcoz my life is so sad!! kiddin;)
i am alive!!! (celion dion)
hey!!! suddenly i just remembered priyank mayb due 2 da fact that he luves dis singer.has neone heard from him????
smt i feel daam bad as i(actually not only me but many) never realized that he ws such a gud friend....but till the time i did he ws gone....he ws daam sweet tho he certainly had some weird habits but everone does!!!
great i gtg now!!!bye


Blogger Radhika said...

dnt worry ure not alone.. almost evry1 has more than 1 side.. 1 which ppl think of them as and the other which they usually keep to themselves.. just how much thes sides differ depends on person to person

7:14 AM


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