Friday, December 23, 2005

can't time stop?

it had 2 happen na?
the entire section had 2 split ... we knew that but somehow not that early.we enjoyed , had fun of our life,loved each other and never thought that durin that period of time the clock was tickin fast , faster then what we thought. two years we stayed together , cracked jokes n in short really had a blast!
but on the 22nd december 05 the inevitable did happen. it is not thet we wont meet , we will durin the pre-boards n boards but it wont b the same due 2 our tensions n worries about doing our best in the paper
I know i m bein 2 senti n emotional but i really cant help it. when i stepped out the class ( which i really love ) i knew life ws never goin 2 b the same.
ps:i wish u a merry christmas n a happy new year in advance
dunno wheter i ll update in a few days


Blogger Akanksha said...

I hate these ppl for doing this to us...
I luv my class....wish we never had to get seperated.

10:42 PM

Blogger kasturi said...

evn i'll miss my class.but its ok..v hav 2 move on..n yeah..v r not gonna lose ol those frenz..v can keep in touch wid 'em..but it wud never b da same again..

10:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dis is all i cn say...i will reeeaaally miss our class...

9:17 AM


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