Friday, December 02, 2005

one borin post!

Hello ppl!
Hmm I ws thinking 2 write about my boring day yesterday
Uh? actually if u want to skip this post u can
I got up around 6 as my bus comes at 6.40 or rather was woken up with great difficulty by mom and as well as my dad… common on!! How can I leave my cozy bed in the morning 2 go 2 school?? (Neways I get up at 7 in holidays 2)
I didn’t wanted 2 go 2 skool but still I had 2 didn’t I??

Reached the bus stop ( my dad dropped me as the stop is also not so close)
The first thing I realized was ddat it was cold!!!! Daam cold
n nikita was absent that day so the bus trip was boring but then I decided 2 re read one night@ the call centre (yes!! I finally got that book so now I m left with only some books which I want to read : a suitable boy n men are from mars women from Venus n eldest (I ve finished the monk who sold his ferrai n one nigh….))
hmm ok so where ws i??

skool ws ok sorts
oh!! btw did u ppl realize dat there is only 1 month left n then our sections split???
I hate it!!! I love my class like nethin . 9th n 10th rocked liked nethin
We had so much of fun esp me , archi, divya , ishani n rasneet . it is fun hangin out together!
I ws thinking 2 post some pics but I ll do it later

We had the usual periods eco , maths , eng , n etc etc
Dat reminds me of sans …. Our sans teacher is absent so we r getting free periods !!!
(btw how can the skool test the entire grammer in a Monday test???? )

This is getting borin now
But neways reached home …
Had lunch wid mom … chatted about skool n stuff
n then I decided 2 sleep agn . I never sleep in the afternoon but I ws tired
the funniest part ws I slept like 3 hrs yesterday in noon
I finally got up at 7 .!!!!!
Studied 4 an hour ( ya I studied!! Achievement!! lol)
At 8 had my dinner n then I saw harry potter till midnight ( dad got its dvd)
(Hmm I sleep at 10 usually ( I no its early!!))
But then I wanted 2 end the movie
The movie is gud but not as much a the book is

Ok!! This is the most borin entry ever !!!
Well u can read this agn if u wanna sleep


Blogger kretika said...

i dont get y did u sign like ano..
but neways! i m gonna miss u big time 4 sure. n 2 make it up 4 u i ll write a entire post dedicated 2 u!!n yeah dat ws enuf!!
i like u still even if u hate me bcoz who can hate u? ( ok now dis is 2 much)
miss ya!

2:43 AM


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