Friday, December 16, 2005

comp or eco???

well we r just left wid 4 days 2 b 2gether n then sections split...
i m feelin so sad bout that . i guess i said that in my previous post 2
i m not at all lookin 4ward 2 go in 11th is gonna b hell bcoz of studies n everythin
"turnin point of life" as my mom reminds me everyday
i dont even know wht 2 take in 11th i m so confused bout that
so till now i have decided pcm ( physics chem n maths ) along wid either comp or eco or pe
( not sure)tell me ppl wht shod i do??hmm God knows!
i m so sad!!!!!!! i dont want the class 2 end
ok i ll give dat a rest
n talk bout "pre boards"??bad topic
neways when the entire world wod b sleepin , or enjoyin the new year celebrations we wod b studyin or rather "burnin the mid night oil"
(i hate the sound of it!)
yeah picnic !!! we went 2 jamali kamali ( a daam funny place)
it ws fun!! i hate myself 4 one thing" not gettin my camera!!!!
actually i 4got 2 get a new reel so i landed up widout a camera
we played rite from kho-kho 2 football
even the food ws tasty!
it ended wid me "tryin" 2 climb a tall tree . hmm i wsnt dat sucessful
yeah but i did get hurt in tryin 2 do so!
hey i gtg go now!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

its verryyy cuuuttee!!by da way i gt da mail 4m where u stole these pics!!

11:49 PM


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