Sunday, January 29, 2006


Good morning….
Hmm it is a bit cold 2day but it has 2 b ( ok!! a weird statement …)
But I not deleting it …ok I m goin crazy 4 writtin such idiotic sentences
Ya… I gt smt sensible 2 say … da result of pre board is out … well I gt pathetic marks in maths(not expected) n Sanskrit (expected).. science n sst n eng were gud … or rather civics ws a bit bad …
So I have decided 2 practice more in maths … lets c wht happens n I hope that I stick 2 what I say … there r many ppl who make list/plan/schedule ( wht they need 2 do n stuff) n some do stick 2 (hats off 2 them ) but many ppl like me just cant stick 2 it … so i guess there is no use of makin one … so I have ended up makin a deadline 4 everythin ( not exactly wht I need 2 everyday ) I think it is easier than a day by day schedule
neways ..
I had decided 2 post this around 26 jan but didn’t get da time ....
So yeah by the very mention of 26 jan I hope u people get da idea dat it is related 2 India
We really r proud 2 b Indians but …..
Instead of buyin Indian products we prefer the imported ones .. for eg : y not thumbs up over coke?? Or mazza n stuff n yeah y nike??
Y cant we study in hindi?? We r simply not proud of our so called mother tongue…in France n in many places people prefer talking in french over English …
I mean ok even by sayin studying in hindi we just start laughin maths we actually laugh at da names(that also includes me) given 2 triangle n stuff…many ppl even don’t know what is a triangle is called in hindi ….but yeah we r proud 2 b Indians (sarcasm)
Well I gtg now!!
Bye ….

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

pre boardzzz

I guess I m updating after ages
So the pre boards finally ended tho the biggest paper da boards r gonna come neways but still I have a few days 2 chill out before I start studying again. The result will b out on 27th so I ll leave the fact how did my paperz go till that time.
It is fun sittin totally “vela”
I cant think wht I m I gonna do the entire feb as I m always alone at home from morning 2 evenin …. It is gonna b borin!! Mayb I ll join smt
Well this is wht I wanna do
1) learn salsa
2) learn guitar
3) even violin
4) bungee jumpin
5) raftin
6) Learn how 2 paint on a canvas
7) Makin candles
Well the list is 2 long it has bout 15 things …. I wont b doin all obv!! But I wanna finish my list before I enter college dat is 4 sure …. It is ages dat I didn’t even go out cycling …well I cant study 24 hrs dat is 4 sure. So I guess I ll return 2 cycling once again … it is fun!!
I get so bored since my bro left. everybody who knows me must be surely knowin da fact that I love my bro like nethin. I guess I have said this many times in my blog 2 but he is 2 carin n sweet n tho smt he becums over protective dat surely used 2 bug me smt but not now…
Chalo then bye!!!
Enjoy when u have the time bcoz these moments wont cum agn!!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

xe! one crazily sweet class

Sunday, January 01, 2006

happy new year

happy new year
wishin u loads of happiness in the comin year
well i m enjoyin these hols like nethin
but i guess not more as i need 2 study now!! big time
hey i have so much 2 tell u ppl but i need 2 go off as it is high time that i study!!!
happy new year ppl!!!!!
with loads of love n warm wishes