Friday, February 24, 2006

best of luck !!

hi !!
nth much 2 blog bout 2day ....
studies r goin gud n yeah..what has 2 happen will happen !!!
in da begginin i ws a bit tense actuallydat was an understatement ... i ws freaked out!! but now i m a bit calm n cool bout the boards ...... bcoz "wht has 2 ......"
the boards start from da 2nd ... n y dont we have 31 days in feb???

neways ... saw rang de basanti n loved it!!! it is an amzin movie n u must c it ....big time! ( ya i finally saw it!!! :) )

bird flu : y do they need 2 kill all da birds? who has given dem da right 2 do so?? i noe its dangerous n stuff but cant u just isolate the infected ones ? check first whther they r infected or not .be4 killin dem so ruthlessly ....... on one hand we talk bout dem gettin extinct n stuff n on da other hand ......

ok ... i better go now ....

best of luck ! for da boards !!!!!!
just b relaxed n give it they r gonna rock! ( lets hope so!!)
plzzz dont study dat hard!! have a proper sleep n stuff go out 4 a walk everyday dat really helps....


missin u ppl !!!

signin off


Blogger blank verser said...

de chicken population is not endangered, i think......yeah, if u counts us board examinees amongst de chicked pop, we're deinitely endangered. people who have taken de decision 2 kill deez infected birds rnt fools, so trust their decision. they just wanna save wtvr chickens are still uninfected. in ne case, we gotta save deez chickens to ultimately kill them cuz we eat them cooked, not alive.nice try askin ppl not to study hard ;)...all de best..

1:43 AM

Blogger kretika said...

woah!!! now dat makes sense but da bird flu is not exactly confined 2 the chicken population... even da migratory birds r affected n they r bein killed ....! but hmm we cant do nethin bout it rite? now dont suggest me ideas of rdb ;)...
all da best 2 u 2 !

5:45 AM


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