Friday, March 03, 2006


hi !!
so da boards r finally here !!! but i wont say they came 2 early .... as i really enjoyed 1oth ...loved it...!!
1st paper ws sst .... the paper ws easy except 1 question in which we had 2 identify the monument ... dat question was a bouncer !!! i mean out of all da questons n monuments they had 2 ask tomb of itmah ud daula ??? hmm i can kill da guy who made dat question ....
but except dat it ws FUN !!! givin it !! hehe ...
i agree in da beginnin i was a bit tense dat do i remember nethin ?? but still there ws no tension as it was "boards "...
hmm.. we dont need 2 study sst nemore !!! im happy bout dat but smhow u realize dat ur childhood days r finished ... i mean ok !!! mny ppl wod say ya we r teenagers n stuff but still smhow a sense of responsiblity towards ur future comes 2 u .... ! hmm tho one thing is sure i wont miss sst !! hehe ;)

next is computer on 6th !! n den maths on 9th
hmm so i better go n study !!! otherwise ..... ( use ur imagination !!)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"boards"-i get dat!

6:55 AM

Blogger kretika said...

well there ws really no tension as it ws board as it is such an imp paper n stuff like dat ( kind of!!)
da paper seemed like an final paper whic we give in school every year .....! ( n hello !! even u agreed !! hehe ;)

7:56 AM


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