Friday, May 19, 2006

reservations??? no ways!!

Study! Study ! the only thing which I am n will hear for the 2 consecutive years of my life .. to tell u the truth I m not studying rite now n ya thinking about it I think I better start ( a thing which I m saying from lets say about 1 month ? ) coming to the point .. “our life is screwed now”

School work , exams are not only going to increase but also the time left for it will lessen as now we need time for the respective coachings n their work … go 2 school run for ur coaching institute which will mind it wont b near 2 you …u ll take ages 2 reach there n after that … come home n hear “ study !” which could make u feel guilty about the pending work which as 2 b submitted the next day .. burn the midnight oil n study agn …
Mayb life would better ? or mayb worse when exams clash ???

n yeah even when u think u have studies hard there definitely would hoards of people who studied more hard then u ! n yup as ppl say IIT or any college (even medical ones ) is surely not a cake walk … ur entire hard work is tested in just a few hours which decide ur “future “ life .. n yeah !! plzz say thanxx 2 arjun Singh who has made it more lets say “”easy “”” to get in a college ( mind the sarcasm plz )

49.5 % reservation!! Ok really I don’t understand one thing and that is y is the only medical students on a strike??? I mean come on ppl .. Shouldn’t it be us ???? The current 11th n 12th batch ???? and esp with chona bein such a known personality then she really
must do something about it .. I mean she is sitting comfortably n watching. isn’t she ?
in aims there already just 35 seats then what do u expect after the reservation??
When our totally mahan politicians get sick they need the best doctors not only from India but from all over the world …it is us the so called general people who will be treated by those doctors who aren’t competent enough …

Reservations are going on from 20 yrs ….now when all the weaker sections have actually got a nice place in the society… y do we need the reservations 4 those people who are as same as we are but just the fact that they are called weaker sections (which they aren’t now)?? who discriminates these people ??? isn’t the govt just using them 2 stay in power ?? they are crores of “”general”” ppl out there 2 who are in a more pitiful situation then the so called weaker sections
And in such a world right now I don’t think that we discriminate anyone n if the govt keeps doing stuff like that I think that people who don’t come into colleges bcoz of lack of seats will start harboring a negative feeling towards them which will actually harm the unity of the country .. the totally wrong thing will b done

And if they think they can increase the seats then I really wanna ask them from where are they going 2 get so much fund , machineries , hostels , teachers n loads n esp when so many people pass out from where will jobs b generated .. ??? wont it lead 2 major educated unemployed people ????

n seriously 2 tell u people we really must protest against it .. I really want that we start a protest march .. as these politicians wont just extend reservation 2 every sphere but will also slowly increase it … and once the bill I passed it is going to b more tough 2 protest against it .. and yeah .. by sending those forwards(e-mails) nothing happens so isn’t it time 2 actually do something ???

ps : the poem whic ws deleted ws purely fictional so plz dont get any ideas in ur mind!


Blogger Akanksha said...

If i remeber correctly, sm1 had promised to send a poem, ages bak... so promise breaker, r u gonna send it or not??

11:42 AM

Blogger kretika said...

i m so soorry!!i dint forget that i had 2 send u the poem .. but the fact is that i deleted the poem from the comp and i wanted 2 call u up ! but i dont have ur number and i dint even meet u online i codnt ask 4 it!:(
i m so sorry but can u plzzz give me ur number (by mail ) i ll pukka call u up...

10:25 PM


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