Monday, November 28, 2005


Ntse was 2 bad 4 words!!!
Mental ability ws pathetic n sci n sst wer ok sorts but maths don’t ask!!
Hmm well atleast no stay backs now!!

Sci Olympiad ws easy but I screwed it up as usual
n acer ws 2 easy n a daam funny paper
hmm I gtg now
(my life is gonna b less complicated now without ntse n stuff!ye!lol)

Saturday, November 19, 2005



Friday, November 18, 2005


i gt so much 2 blog about but smhow i dont feel like wht shod i say er... writtin it down
before this blog i kept this diary of mine whic i think many have read it the most prominent ones being ishani n sakshi who have read it a lot .i have this one more side 2 me which is like the daam opposite to wht u no me as!! hehe it is soundin so weird wht i m writtin but it is true!!!
i do like bein alone smt thinkin bout all the stuff in my life n stuff ....i m a philosophical person 2 or rather daam philosophical...God!!! know y da heck m i typin this??? dunno
but at this moment i m da philosophical person 4 u.....
i guess i must not bug u so much tellin bout me !! bcoz my life is so sad!! kiddin;)
i am alive!!! (celion dion)
hey!!! suddenly i just remembered priyank mayb due 2 da fact that he luves dis singer.has neone heard from him????
smt i feel daam bad as i(actually not only me but many) never realized that he ws such a gud friend....but till the time i did he ws gone....he ws daam sweet tho he certainly had some weird habits but everone does!!!
great i gtg now!!!bye

Friday, November 11, 2005

balancin b/w fun n studies!!

it has been a long time since i didnt blog which can b attributed 2 da pathetic results of half yearly as well as the fact that i have started findin net borin! (i guess it is !!!)

neways i wont talk bout my results as i dont wanna b depressed thinkin bout them ......
carnival is like on mon!!! it is gonna b fun but i dont know whether i ll cum or not as i think i gt eye infection n i have a sore throat .... hmm n my grandmom has her operation tho it is a minor one n in da afternoon sorts but dunno

but if my eye infection becums ok i guess i ll cum!!! so cross ur fingers!!!!

ntse is on da 26 or 27 (which ever is sunday) n i m gettin paranoid bout it as i dont know a 1single thing n it is soooooo difficult as we have 3 rounds in it ....1st is at da state level 2nd all over India n 3rd is an interview!!
i bet i ll not even complete da 1st round!!!! if i do then actually i no iwont b able 2 so i guess there is no if!!!! hmm but bein on the optimistic side luck has alwayz favoured me so i might b able 2 do it!!!!!cross ur fingers agn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!!!

oh!!! i gtg now!!!! i wsnt agn able to complete my post(as usual)!!! lol
so bye n take care!!!

Friday, November 04, 2005

luv life!

Hi ppl!!!
I m so happy these days … I m on top of the world
Well I m a bit sad 2day as my bro is leavin 2 go 2 his college n I wsnt allowed 2 drop him 2 the airport also.he is the best bro one can get seriously!!! Whenever he cums he gets smt 4 me n always protects me from getting scolded!! Lol!!
But I guess he will be cumin bac durin da winter hols so its kind of okay …hmm mayb no!!

Diwali ws so awesome!!!rite from the puja till the crackers n stuff!!happy diwali 2 all of u tho it is 2 late 2 wish but better late than never! Hey! Eid mubark 2!!

I m listenin 2 da radio n singin !! I no I sing as bad as one can imagine ( well not dat bad also lol)…..hey!!i luv dis song “allah ke bande “it has sum meanin 2 it! I m not singin this as u need 2 b 2 gud 2 sing this!

School is gonna open on Monday! This is the 1st time I m wishin da skool opens a bit late dunno y? mayb I luv sleepin n watchin movies! I ve seen so many movies in da break! Thanx 2 pirated dvd’s lol!

Chalo then! Bye….cya!
Keep smiling!!! (just like me!! hehe ! I told u no na I m daam happy these days!!)
Soniya sun zara! (hey dats the radio)

I can keep writtin but I think I better stop now!
Bye !
God bless all of u !!

Ps: da skool is opening on mon or tue??? I think its mon tho!